Short answer is no. Generally, all docs produced for the court or by the court are under the courts discretion as to who can see them, normally just the parties involved. Without either the authors permission or explicit permission of the court, or both, you could be held in contempt of court if you share documents outside of those court proceedings. If you feel strongly that something in those documents raises a safeguarding concern for the children then that could be your defence should a contempt of court issue be raised by anyone against you. Basically, you need to have a child focused reason as to why you shared them. I always ask for court permission to share court orders and any judgments with GP, SS, schools etc so that way, you’re in the clear. I’ve seen way too many disturbing issues about the narc ex that I couldn’t even share with children’s services. They went ahead and produced a CAF assessment without having sight of previous court orders and a very damning court judgment
Correct. Technically it is contempt of court and an application for commital could be made. Different courts regard this differently in its severity and you have to be seen not to just be doing it to be malicious as courts don’t readily give out custodial sentences to parents. If you can evidence that it has caused you harm or embarrassment or that it has unduely identified the children and the family then your case would be stronger. Don’t leave it more than 6 months after finding out either, either file the FC600 or let it slide…
I am going to speak to my solicitor on Monday as this document has been sent to a local business to wich a lot of local residents attend that have children in the same schools as mine it's more about it's putting them at risk of gossip and bullying and obviously I am going to recieve some sort of judgement from other parents but as I say ill speak to my legal team tomorrow but thank you for your help
If you can seek advice on it then that’s a good move. Get all the info together and focus on why it causes risks or emotional and/or psychological harm. They may advise against a FC600 application if it is a first offence type of thing, good luck!
can some one tell me if it is allowed to share a section 7 addendum report for a family court hearing with a third party that is not apart of the proceedings
Short answer is no. Generally, all docs produced for the court or by the court are under the courts discretion as to who can see them, normally just the parties involved. Without either the authors permission or explicit permission of the court, or both, you could be held in contempt of court if you share documents outside of those court proceedings. If you feel strongly that something in those documents raises a safeguarding concern for the children then that could be your defence should a contempt of court issue be raised by anyone against you. Basically, you need to have a child focused reason as to why you shared them. I always ask for court permission to share court orders and any judgments with GP, SS, schools etc so that way, you’re in the clear. I’ve seen way too many disturbing issues about the narc ex that I couldn’t even share with children’s services. They went ahead and produced a CAF assessment without having sight of previous court orders and a very damning court judgment
can some one tell me if it is allowed to share a section 7 addendum report for a family court hearing with a third party that is not apart of the proceedings