Is there only me that didn’t know about the advocates meeting two days or so before any hearing that you are entitled to attend if you are litigate in person? I fcukin didn’t but I do now - let me at em!!!
An advocates meeting is normally encouraged by counsel if there is one involved on any side. It is alluded to in most NOH’s from the court with something like “the parties should arrive 1 hour earlier” for discussions etc. So most advocates meetings are the morning of the hearing but if they do happen or are elected as a request, all parties should be informed and if any party is unable to join, then the advocates meeting should not happen without them
An advocates meeting is normally encouraged by counsel if there is one involved on any side. It is alluded to in most NOH’s from the court with something like “the parties should arrive 1 hour earlier” for discussions etc. So most advocates meetings are the morning of the hearing but if they do happen or are elected as a request, all parties should be informed and if any party is unable to join, then the advocates meeting should not happen without them